Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Decorating With Duct Tape

Travelling to one of the wealthiest states (CT) and wealthiest counties (Fairfield), with customers paying some of the highest rates in the country, it is stunning the poor shape of some of our cars.

Tonight, my friend Paul and I were looking for two seats on the 8:04pm out of GCT and couldn't find it in any of the regular cars so we headed for the bar car (#8659). Lots of room to stretch out with only six people a side, plenty of leg room, and some of the rattiest seats on the New Haven line. The pictures above show it... holes in the seats, duct tape across the aisle and the remains of where duct tape was holding a door together.

I've never read the Duct Tape book series, but I can't doubt they included patching the seats on Metro North.
Can you imagine the press if Delta or Southwest patched their seats like Metro North Railroad?

Tonight's pics:

  1. That seat has more duct tape than cushion
  2. Holes in the seat. Where's the guy with duct tape?
  3. Door missing duct tape that was holding it together


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you should tell your fellow Fairfielders to keep their feet off the seats (especially when the women are wearing spiky stilettos, or after getting on the train from walking on a rain-wet platform), and stop acting like inconsiderate pigs when they ride the trains by throwing their trash and newspapers in the garbage, and maybe, just maybe, the trains would be much cleaner!! It is so easy for people like you and others to criticize, but maybe when wanting to do some cleaning up, maybe you should start with cleaning your own!!

8:01 PM, September 19, 2007  

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